Fostering dogs: The kids’ perspective

CHN is a foster-based organization, which means that most of our dogs are placed in foster homes while awaiting adoption. We do have a physical shelter to house dogs, and while it is a safe place to land for pups who have no home, space is limited. Ultimately the goal...

Can my dog tell time?

Blank notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils, new backpacks…another school year brings fresh starts. It also brings back a more regimented schedule for many families; the carefree days of summer are replaced by alarm clocks, packing lunches, after school activities, and...

Saying goodbye to summer

As the dog days of summer come to a close, let’s look back on the past few months, and look ahead to what’s planned for the fall. There’s never a quiet day at CHN; there are always dogs who need homes!  Geeking out on stats  Since June 1st of this...

Coats of many colors

Did you know that “Black Dog Syndrome” is really a thing? Earlier this week, we shared one of our fabulous black pups on Facebook, as well as a link to an interesting article on Petfinder about this syndrome that leaves black dogs languishing in rescues while their...

Why does my dog do that?

Dogs, like people, can be quirky. If you’ve ever wondered why your dog behaves in a way that seems odd, you’re not alone.   Welcome to the first edition of Why Does My Dog Do That? ! Disclaimer: The writer of this blog and the volunteers and staff at...